
Udiet (Universal Database Import/Export Tool) allows end users to migrate data from any JDBC-compliant databases to binary/XML(TODO) files or other databases by simply editing configuration files: properties files or Spring-style XML files (optional). It could simplify the application delivery and migration. It supports for various import/export strategies:

* Export: regular expression table matching, custom SQL queries (TODO), etc.

* Import: automatically foreign key constraints removing and restoring, duplicate data replacing, clearing before importing, identity columns(TODO), custom before and after sql execution, etc.


To use it, copy the jars of your JDBC driver to the folder /lib/runtime. Go into folder /bin, and issue "migrate $SOURCE_CONFIG$ $DESTINATION_CONFIG$" on your console (Windows only now). The arguments $SOURCE_CONFIG$ and $DESTINATION_CONFIG$ are the XML configuration files that specify the information of the migration source and destination, and they must locate on the CLASSPATH. But actually, you can directly use the XML files under folder /conf. For example, /conf/db-src.xml defines a database source, and /conf/bin-dest.xml defines a binary file destination. To migrate data from database to binary files, issue "migrate db-src.xml bin-dest.xml".

The XML files are of Spring format, and you can direcly modify them if you are familiar with Spring. For common usage, there is a cognominal properties file corresponding to each XML file, and you can simply modify it. For example, to provide the database source information, open, and modify each property accordingly:

jdbc.url = jdbc:edbc://

jdbc.user = user

jdbc.password = password

jdbc.driver = ca.edbc.jdbc.EdbcDriver

jdbc.schema = user

# regular expression

jdbc.table.pattern = ff_%

Ant Task



For the most recent source code, visit CVS:

TODO detailed docs